Sunday Sharies 02.27.22


"Everyone has a story. Everyone has gone through something that changed them."

— Unknown


Which of your parents' qualities were you surprised to inherit as an adult?


Who we are is how we perceive things.

In the past month, I've visited four sets of parents that exist between my boyfriend and I. Spending time with someone's family is fantastic insight into how they adopted or challenged the viewpoints that raised them.

When we see our parental relationships through someone else's perspective (like when your partner watches you and your parents interact in person for the first time) it's pretty humbling. Turns out what makes your eyes roll as a teenager can become your values as an adult. (I envied the kids with cable growing up, now I rarely watch TV; I thought hikes were for hippies as a child, now they're a weekly routine). How we "turn out" is a function of what we choose to emulate and eliminate from the world around us. Facts can be used to tell an infinite number of stories, and we often write our own in a way that helps us feel significant or safe or justified. I didn't become a sarcastic Type A introvert by accident!

Siena Hickey