Sunday Sharies 02.20.22
"Sometimes the drive to do well can actually impair performance. This is the paradox of perfectionism."
— Excerpt from Perfectionism in Perspective
What's something you're below average at that you still get joy from?
Adults need playtime, too.
How we show up in our work is often mirrored in how we play. It's a great environment to learn about ourselves and others: are we competitive or casual? Rule breakers or benders? Do we adopt the role of leader, follower, partner? Play teaches us how we take in information and how we make decisions about how to behave.
Another benefit of being in play mode is that we stop focusing on perfection. We don't take ourselves too seriously because we're exploring rather than executing. It's a nice reminder that we're not great at a lot of stuff- it's humbling to be a novice and find joy in learning.
I've noticed that in periods of my life where I struggled to enjoy leisure time, I was also reluctant to step away from routine or deviate from what I already knew how to do. As I've become more "playfully inclined" I'm open to trying a wider variety of things. I'm getting more comfortable accepting a challenge when I don't have a clear path on how I'll get there. I trust myself to figure it out as I go.
Everyone can benefit from engaging in a playful mindset. Allow yourself to expand the number of outcomes you’re willing to entertain.