Sunday Sharies 08.14.22


“We become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become each day.”
― Richard G. Scott, American scientist and religious leader


What small step can you take towards your goal today? Can you do it again tomorrow?


Big results require small actions done over and over. Anyone can do something once. Not everyone can do it consistently. Eating healthy for a meal is common. Eating healthy all week is not. Working out occasionally is common. Working out a few times a week is not.

Positioning yourself for future success is simple but not easy. The challenging part is the discipline required to do otherwise ordinary things for an extraordinarily long period of time, even when the results are barely noticeable.

Putting yourself in a position for success isn't hard. Doing it day in and day out is. Temporary motivation needs to be met with consistent action.

Siena Hickey