Sunday Sharies 06.26.22


"We must have the stubbornness to accept our gladness in the ruthless furnace of this world. To make injustice the only measure of our attention is to praise the Devil."
— Jack Gilbert, American poet


How do you measure a successful day?


There’s a natural tendency to chase things that only bring us temporary happiness: money, power, pleasure, fame.

We mistake these possessions as a cure to our daily dilemmas. But “ideal” amounts change and the hedonic treadmill accelerates faster still when comparing ourselves to others.

You stare at the number you wanted in your bank account, you’re given the title you worked 100-hour weeks for, you get attention from fans you don’t know. Then you wake up the next day and ask yourself, “Ok, what next?”

Extrinsic goals are not the secret to our own happiness.

The boring truth is that happiness is a choice. You can have it right now. Yes, even as fools live among us and our politicians disappoint us.

While you wash the dishes, appreciate the water coming out of the faucet. As you take your first sip of coffee, feel that little rush of dopamine. When you have a hard workout, enjoy your ability to move freely.

Happiness is not a fortune or future state, it's a frame of mind.

P.S. Today's quote comes from Jack Gilbert's poem A Brief For The Defense found in his book Refusing Heaven. 

Siena Hickey