Sunday Sharies 11.06.22


"The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."
― Bertrand Russell, British philosopher


When last did you lose track of time doing something you love?


The other day I saw the "Time is Money" aphorism plastered across an 18-wheeler. I hate that saying.

Here’s why. The amount of time we have is completely out of our control. We can't expand and contract it, the way we can the amount of money in our savings account. We treat time like a commodity we can exchange, stock up, and cash out. When in reality, every day we deposit another 24 hours into the Fund of Never To Be Seen Again.

I think we wish time was money. Isn't it funny how we use financial terminology to talk about our relationship with it?

"I spent an hour preparing for this."

"I’m out of time."

"This project cost me 6 months of stress."

And we map our days around how much of it we own.

  • I'm busy → I'm time-poor → I don't own the time for that

  • I'm free → I'm time-rich → I own the time for that

It might do us some good to get comfortable with the uncomfortable fact that we never owned it to begin with. The more we try to master our time, the more time ends up mastering us.

I let the truck driver pass me, by the way. I wasn’t busy, so I could afford it.

Siena Hickey