Siena Hickey

Hi, I’m Siena 👋🏼🤠 thanks for stopping by.

If you’re reading this, you’re probably looking for The Sunday Sharies.

The Sharies is a short, weekly email (3 minutes tops) with a quote, a question, and a thought for the week ahead.

Text the question to your friend thread, discuss the thought at your next group dinner. You might just learn something new about someone you know. And quotes are just the best.

When I’m not writing the Sharies, riding my gravel bike, or racking weights at the gym, I run a customer strategy consultancy. You can find my work over at Sanzo Strategy Group.


“If you can't be happy while washing dishes, you can't be happy.”

— Nora Ephron to Chuck Palahnuik

Siena eating yogurt in Phnom Penh .JPG